If you would like to join the NCSE as a member please contact NCSE Director, Rachel McCrea and Membership officer, Eduard Campillo-Funollet by e-mail, explaining how your research aligns with the scope of NCSE.

Executive Committee

Paul BlackwellEarly Career MentorProfessor of statisticsUniversity of Sheffield
Simon BonnerInternational LeadAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Western Ontario
David BorchersFunding OpportunitiesProfessor of statisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Luca BorgerISEC 2024 Host and EngagementProfessor of biosciencesUniversity of Swansea
Steve BucklandFounding DirectorProfessor of StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Eduard Campillo-FunolletWebsite and MembershipLecturer in StatisticsLancaster University
Fergus ChadwickEarly Career LeadLecturer in StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Eleni MatechouDeputy Director and Funding OpportunitiesReader in StatisticsUniversity of Kent
Rachel McCreaDirectorProfessor of StatisticsLancaster University
Byron MorganFounding DirectorEmeritus Professor of StatisticsUniversity of Kent
Chris SutherlandDeputy Director, Social Media and ED&IReader in StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Ben SwallowEngagement and Awards LeadLecturer in StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Hannah WorthingtonEngagement and Awards LeadLecturer in StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews


Nicholas AebischerDeputy director of researchGame and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Justine AlexanderResearch studentSnow Leopard Trust
Nicole AugustinReader of statisticsUniversity of Edinburgh
Joseph BaileyLecturer in EnvironmetricsUniversity of Essex
Rosemary BaileyProfessor of StatisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Lindsay BaninStatistical EcologistCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Jon BarryStatisticianCEFAS, Lowestoft
Bjorn BeckmannQuant EcologistCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Takis BesbeasLecturerAthens University of Economics and Business
Katie BickertonResearch studentUniversity of Kent/Zoological Society of London
Robert BlackwellData scientistCEFAS
Gui BortolottoResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Philipp Boersch-SupanEcological statisticianBritish Trust for Ornithology
Phil BouchetResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Eloise BrayResearch studentUniversity of Sheffield
Mark BrewerDirector of BioSSBioSS
Lucy BrownResearch studentUniversity of Kent
William BrowneProfessor of statisticsUniversity of Bristol
Louise BurtHead of RUWPA, Research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Adam ButlerStatisticianBioSS
Matt CarterResearch FellowUniversity of St Andrews
Sarah ChristofidesBiostatisticianUniversity of Cardiff
Edward CodlingProfessor of mathematical biologyUniversity of Essex
Diana ColeSenior Lecturer in statisticsUniversity of Kent
Thomas CornulierStatistician/Modeller for Ecology and EnvironmentBioSS
Thomas ChealeResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Yan Ru ChooResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
James ClarkeResearch studentUniversity of Kent/Butterfly Conservation
Tara CunninghamResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh
Eleanor D’ArcySenior Advisor (Statistics)Environment Agency
Emily DennisSenior Ecological StatisticianButterfly conservation
Carl DonovanLecturer in statisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Ian DurbachResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
David ElstonBioSS
Fanny EmpacherResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Richard EverittAssociate professor of statisticsUniversity of Warwick
Victor ElviraReader in statisticsUniversity of Edinburgh
Cal Fagard-JenkinResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Christina FellResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Filippo FranchiniResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Rob FryerStatistics group leaderFRS Marine Lab, Aberdeen
Eddie FungResearch studentBioSS/University of Edinburgh
Jeremy GreenwoodHonorary professorUniversity of St Andrews
Stephen GregorySenior StatisticianCEFAS, Weymouth
Thomas GroveResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh
Yacob HaddouResearch studentUniversity of Glasgow
Catriona HarrisSenior Research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Danielle HarrisSenior Research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
John HarwoodProfessorUniversity of St Andrews
Dan HaydonProfessor of population ecology and epidemiologyUniversity of Glasgow
Danielle HendricksenResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Peter HenrysStatisticianCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Riki HerliansyahResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh
Man HoResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh
Dave HodgsonLecturer in ecologyUniversity of Exeter
Tom HodgsonResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh/Heriot-Watt and Credit Nature
Andrew HouldcroftResearch studentUniversity of Exeter
Fiona HoulgreaveResearch studentUniversity of Loughborough
Max HowellResearch studentLancaster University
Janine IllianProfessorUniversity of Glasgow
Daniel IngramResearch FellowUniversity of Kent
Nick IssacMacroecologistUK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Eiren JacobsonResearch FellowUniversity of St Andrews
Susan JarvisQuantatative EcologistUK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Jana JeglinskiAffiliate researcherUniversity of Glasgow
Alison JohnstonReaderUniversity of St Andrews
Esther JonesSenior StatisticianBioSS
Milly JonesResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Kate JonesProfessor of Ecology and BiodiversityUniversity College London
William KayLecturerCardiff University
Fabian KetwarooResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Ruth KingThomas Bayes Chair of StatisticsEdinburgh University
Abinand Reddy KodiResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Rebecca LangtonModellerMarine Scotland
Megan LaxtonResearch studentUniversity of Glasgow
Edward LavenderResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Todd LewisSenior Lecturer in EcologyUniversity of West England
Finn LindgrenProfessorUniversity of Edinburgh
Monique MackenzieProfessorUniversity of St Andrews
Greg MacmillanResearch studentUniversity of Strathclyde
Ewan McHenryResearch studentUniversity of Aberdeen
Tiago MarquesSenior Research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Laura MarshallResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Toby MarthewsTerrestrial ecologist and hydrologistCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Eleni MatechouSenior lecturer in StatisticsUniversity of Kent
Jason MatthiopoulosProfessor of spatial and population ecologyUniversity of Glasgow
David MaxwellStatisticianCEFAS
David MillerSenior StatisticianBIOSS
Evalyne MuiruriCEFAS
Ken NewmanPrincipal Researcher in Statistical MethodologyBioSS
Mu NiuLecturer in StatisticsUniversity of Glasgow
Cornelia OedekovenSenior Research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Joe OnoufriouResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Oscar Rodriguez de Rivera OrtegaLecturer in Statistics (Data Science & Environmental Intelligence)University of Exeter
Clara PanchaudResearch studentUniversity of Edinburgh
Alison PartonTeaching fellowUniversity of Sheffield
David PascallResearch assistantUniversity of Glasgow
Charles PaxtonResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Lena PayneResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Felix PetersmaResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Theoni PhotopoulouResearch fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Jonathan PottsSenior lecturerUniversity of Sheffield
Sean RandsLecturerUniversity of Bristol
Eric RexstadSenior research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Martin RidoutEmeritus Professor of StatisticsUniversity of Kent
Hannah RisserEcological Data ScientistUK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Savannah RogersResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Gail RobertsonStatistical consultantUniversity of Edinburgh
Rob RobinsonAssociate Director, ResearchBritish Trust for Ornithology
Ioannis RotousResearch studentUniversity of Kent
Marcus RowcliffeResearch fellowInstitute of Zoology
Deborah RussellSenior research fellowUniversity of St Andrews
Dina SadykovaStatisticianUK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Marian ScottProfessor of environmental statisticsUniversity of Glasgow
Lindesay Scott-HaywardLecturer in statisticsUniversity of St Andrews
Kate SearleEcological modellerCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Fiona SeatonQuantatative EcologistCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Ron SmithStatisticianCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
Michael SpenceCEFAS
Len ThomasProfessorUniversity of St Andrews
Stuart TownleyProfessor of applied mathematicsUniversity of Exeter
Amanda TraskPopulation ecologistInstitute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
Fiona UnderwoodIndependent Consultant
Paul Van Dam-BatesResearch studentUniversity of St Andrews
Nicola WalkerFisheries ScientistCEFAS
Konstans WellsLecturerBiosciences, Swansea University
Katherine WhyteEcological StatisticianBioSS
Simon WoodProfessor of statisticsUniversity of Edinburgh
Wei ZhangLecturer in StatisticsUniversity of Glasgow

International members

Res AltweggAssociate professorUniversity of Capetown, South Africa
Nicholas BaknerGraduate studentUniversity of Georgia, USA
Richard BarkerProfessor of statisticsUniversity of Otago, New Zealand
Cecilia BarouilletPost-doctoral ResearcherINRAE CARRTEL, France
Rick CampResearch statisticianUSGS, USA
Francisco Cervantes PeraltaPost-doctoral ResearcherUniversity of Cape Town, South Africa
Thierry ChambertPostdoctoral researcherCEFE, CNRS, France
Michelle ChengResearch Masters/PhD studentMcGill University, Canada
Rishika ChopraResearch studentUniversity of Auckland, New Zealand
RĂ©mi ChoquetResearch engineerCEFE, CNRS, France
Allan ClarkSenior LecturerUniversity of Cape Town, South Africa
David ConesaProfessorUniversity of Valencia, Spain
Paul ConnResearch statisticianMML, USA
Laura CowenProfessorUniversity of Victoria, Canada
Johanna de Haan WardResearch studentUniversity of Western Ontario, Canada
Perry de ValpineProfessorUniversity of California, Berkley, USA
Alex DraghiciResearch studentUniversity of Western Ontario, Canada
Murray EffordUniversity of Otago, New Zealand
Rachel FewsterProfessor of StatistiscsUniversity of Auckland, New Zealand
David FletcherStatistical ConsultantDavid Fletcher Consulting Limited
Olivier GimenezResearch scientistCEFE, CNRS, France
Vivek GirijaResearch fellow
Gurutzeta Guillera-ArroitaLecturer in Ecological ModellingUniversity of Melbourne, Australia
Devin JohnsonStatisticianMML, USA
Charlotte Jones-ToddLecturerUniversity of Auckland
Marc KeryPopulation EcologistSwiss Ornithological Institute, Switzerland
Natasha KlappsteinResearch studentUniversity of Alberta
Jeff LaakeStatisticianMML, USA
Jiangshan LaiProfessorNanjing Forestry University, China
Jose Lahoz-MonfortLecturer in Ecological ModellingUniversity of Melbourne, Australia
Roland LangrockProfessor of statistics and data analysisBielefeld University
Vianey Leos BarajasAssistant professorUniversity of Tornonto
Jing LiuUniversity of Auckland, New Zealand
Brett McClintockStatisticianMML, USA
Louise McMillanResearch fellowVictoria University of Wellington
Sina MewsResearch studentBielefeld University
Marina Jimenez MunozStatistical consultantHelmholtz Center Munich
Jim NicholsWildlife biologist / Senior scientistPatuxent Wildlife Research Center, USA
Oluwadare Olatunde OjoSenior LecturerFederal University of Technology. Akure, Nigeria
Heloise PavantoResearch studentUniversity of Otago, New Zealand
Shirley PledgerProfessor of statisticsVictoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Roger PradelResearch directorCEFE, CNRS, France
Heidi RautiainenResearch studentSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Andy RoyleResearch statisticianPatuxent Wildlife Research Center, USA
Blanca SarzoResearch fellowUniversity of Valencia, Spain
Matt SchofieldSenior LecturerUniversity of Otago, New Zealand
Tore SchwederProfessor of statisticsUniversity of Oslo, Norway
Michael SchaubPopulation EcologistSwiss Ornithological Institute, Switzerland
Koustubh SharmaSenior Regional EcologistSnow Leopard Trust
Daniel SimpsonAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto
Hans Julius SkaugProfessorUniversity of Bergen, Norway
Geir StorvikProfessorUniversity of Oslo, Norway
Ben StevensonLecturerUniversity of Auckland
Angelika StudenyResearch fellowCentre de recherche Inria, Grenoble, France
Jay Ver HoefStatisticianMML, USA
Elise ZipkinAssociate ProfessorMichigan State University